Annak érdekében, hogy Önnek a legjobb élményt nyújtsuk "sütiket" használunk honlapunkon. Az oldal használatával Ön beleegyezik a "sütik" használatába.



International forum "Cooperation, development, exchange in Higher Education. Academic practices and achievements from Emerging Europe".

2019. augusztus 8., 19:50
Networking in the morning session of the '1st Central Europe and South Caucasus Educational Forum on the occasion of Central Europe’s 15th anniversary of EU membership'
We discussed various topics of cooperation, development, and exchange in Higher Education and demonstrated academic practices and achievements from Emerging Europe.

International forum "Cooperation, development, exchange in Higher Education. Academic practices and achievements from Emerging Europe".

Networking in the morning session of the '1st Central Europe and South Caucasus Educational Forum on the occasion of Central Europe’s 15th anniversary of EU membership'

We discussed various topics of cooperation, development, and exchange in Higher Education and demonstrated academic practices and achievements from Emerging Europe.


- Armenia - Armenian State University of Economics
- Georgia - Tbilisi State University
- Poland - University of Łódź
- Poland – University of Rzeszów
- Romania - Babeș-Bolyai University
- Russia - Ufa State Petroleum Technological University

Organizer and host: University of Miskolc, Faculty of Economics (Hungary)
May 7, 2019
