Annak érdekében, hogy Önnek a legjobb élményt nyújtsuk "sütiket" használunk honlapunkon. Az oldal használatával Ön beleegyezik a "sütik" használatába.

Regional Crisis Management, Revitalisation
Topic leader: Dr. István Bakos


  • Revitalisation of declining industrial regions
  • Formulation of revitalisation strategies and the methodology of managing them
  • Examination of sustainable development in the case of suburbanised settlements, development of town development strategies
  • Regional restructuring of middle Eastern Europe


  • István Bakos: The methodology of the planning of regional development strategies and programs, BÍBOR Publisher, Miskolc, 2001.
  • István Bakos: Applying situation examination methods in the planning of the regional development strategies. North-east Hungary, 2001/1-10. 6-14pp.
  • György Kocziszky – Pál Bődy: Socio-economic changes in the Csik Basin. Business Studies Vol.1. Nr.1. (2001) Miskolc University Press. 87-99pp.
  • György Kocziszky: The economy of a regional development. ÉRÁK, Miskolc, 2001.
  • György Kocziszky: The collection of regional development, country planning technical terms, ÉRÁK, Miskolc, 2001.